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264. Reach the Level After Next with Katie Barnett

the daily helping podcast Jul 03, 2022

Katie Barnett has been named one of the top 20 female disruptors in 2021. She runs a very successful online business, but even more impressive is her personal story.

Like so many of us, Katie didn’t recognize the pivotal moments in her life until she looked back on them from where she is now. She had her master’s degree and had plans of teaching in college, but after having three kids and working as a full-time parent, she started a business on the side just to help her family out. But that experience unlocked something in her and she knew this was the path for her.

We all dream big, and then as we grow up, reality starts to set in—we have to pay bills, we have to pay off our loans, we have to support a family—and naturally, our focus turns away from ourselves and to how we’re going to meet these obligations and we forget how to dream. But we have to remember that we can change that at any time and relearn what it means to light our own fires.

If you’re not feeling that fire in your own life, Katie recommends starting with service. It’s impossible to feel like a failure when you’re helping others. By being of service to others, you’re going to gain confidence and find what really lights you up. And if you’re really feeling low, unmotivated, or in a rut, start finding the smallest ways of taking care of your physical and mental health, whether that’s through diet, exercise, mindfulness, intentional rest, or any number of tactics. It can even start with just drinking more water.

There’s a lot in the world to be scared of, but we can put our own dent in that by going out there and putting a smile on people’s faces. We can make this world a better place one person at a time, and that’s what Katie is doing, and encourages others to do as well.


The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Your vibe is everything. And if you feel like you’re at a low, it’s worth stepping into something bigger to attract something bigger, and that can be in your relationships, in your friendships, in your business, in your life, in everything. It’s about becoming what you want to be surrounded with. Because, as cliché as it sounds, your vibe truly attracts your tribe, what you put out into the universe is going to come back in abundance.”



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There is incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to create positive change in our lives (and the lives of others) while achieving our dreams.

This is the Power of You!