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274. How to Love Selling Without Selling Your Soul with Jason Marc Campbell

the daily helping podcast Sep 11, 2022

Jason Marc Campbell is the author of Selling with Love: Earn with Integrity and Expand Your Impact. He’s on a mission to inspire small business owners with sales reluctance to embrace it as a beautiful activity that transforms lives. As the host of the Selling With Love podcast he’s interviewed over 300 people and reached millions in the process. His mission is all about teaching companies to care more.

When Jason thought about the contributions he wanted to make in the world, one that seemed both impactful and possible was to help create a world where people aren’t taken advantage of by marketers and snake oil salesmen. But we can’t just get rid of sales altogether—whether you like it or not, you’re going to find yourself in the sales process throughout your life.

If you’re looking to sell a product, you can’t start with a love of the idea. So many people fall in love with their product that they lose sight of what they’re hoping the product actually does. Jason Marc Campbell describes the five loves, in order:

  • Love your impact
  • Love your client
  • Love the product
  • Love the process of selling
  • Love the self

Some people love the process of selling but they don’t care about anything else—those are the sleazy salesmen that make your skin crawl when you think about selling. When you’re selling, you can show up with love or you can show up with fear.


The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Be more caring about how you buy and how you expect to be treated when you buy. Make decisions and ask questions in a purchase process, especially if it’s a big purchase. If a sales person comes to you, try to see how you can use the model I teach about sales on how to buy. Get an understanding of things like ‘Why are you in sales? Why do you think this company is the best thing? What difference do you think it makes in my life? How much do you understand me and my needs? What is the product? Is it the best in the marketplace? Would you refer it to your friends and family?’ Can we be a bit more leveled up and experienced in the way that we buy, so that the market responds and the companies will start to realize that ‘Hey, we need to change the way we do our culture in sales to demand more to a better client.’ And that way we’re going to see a lot less douchebag practices and marketing practices be actually succeeding.”



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