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Ep. 60: AWAKE: Using Yoga + Mindfulness to Rehumanize | with Chelsey Korus

the daily helping podcast Jul 22, 2018

Today our expert guest is Chelsey Korus, an Adidas athlete, Wanderlust TV teacher, and one of today’s foremost yoga teachers.


Chelsey grew up in Small Town, Minnesota, where she rebelled the way most young teenagers do: sneaking into the city to practice yoga. It may seem strange to many of us now, but yoga was not looked kindly upon in this small religious town back then.


Chelsey was immediately enthralled and captivated by the whole yoga scene – but at the time, she never thought she would teach it. However, the people around her didn’t take no as an answer… they saw that it was part of her and, eventually, she also heard the calling to teach.


A decade of learning and teaching around the world has led her to design AWAKE with Chelsey Korus, a total package lifestyle built on three pillars: soul, spirit, and environment.


“AWAKE has been a driving force for me my entire life – I never wanted to be the person who didn’t have the eyes to see the beauty around me!”


The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway


“Keep on your radar the energy or the habits or the thoughts or the people who bring about stagnancy, who bring about this non-participating in the moment – this energy that would cause you to play small, cause you to go numb, cause you be like ‘I don’t matter and I’m not even going to try.’”


Keep that on your radar and notice when you’re just being your rehearsed self… and start seeking out those who are different from you so you can destabilize that rehearsed self so that you can get a good vision, a new vision, for the world.”



Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.



The Daily Helping is produced by Podcast Masters



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