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223. Find Your New 20/20 Vision with Taylor Rochestie

the daily helping podcast Sep 05, 2021

Today, our expert guest is Taylor Rochestie, the bestselling author of A New 20/20 Vision, where he shares a unique perspective on the uncertainty of tomorrow, and an active vision for the future. As a professional athlete who has traveled the world playing basketball, Taylor’s message is a humble roadmap to design a new reality, reprogram your thoughts, and define your life through authenticity.

Taylor knew he wanted to be a professional basketball player from the age of five. He had an underdog mentality. His high school wasn’t well-known for recruiting players, and, when his school was damaged by Hurricane Katrina, his team was moved to Texas A&M, where he tore his knee. When he found out he was returning to his school next year, he opted for a change and went out to Washington State instead. 

When his wife was pregnant with his daughter, he began writing her letters to read when she graduated high school. He wanted her to see what her father’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations were for her when she was born. He hoped that this would help her to shape her approach to the world from the interior instead of exterior – by not letting social media and outside influences tell her what to do.

Taylor doesn’t take a specifically scientific approach to this line of thinking. He recognized that we all pick up a lot of bad habits along the way or the ways that we accept less than we deserve. He has developed a few techniques to help reprogram your mind and your day. One of those techniques is his morning intake, which forces you to start focusing your day internally instead of letting external factors decide what you want for yourself.

One quick way to put you on the right path towards happiness is to realize that it starts with all of the small choices we make on a daily basis. When you play basketball, you start to gravitate towards other people that play basketball. It’s that simple. So when you’re always learning and always broadening your experiences, you are humble, you reach out to new people, and you try different things that generate excitement and optimism.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“I think that so many people are looking for motivation, looking for inspiration, looking to cultivate joy for themselves, looking to figure out their own path – and I think the best thing that you can do is you can be a light, you can be an example. I have two kids. They’re sponges, so what are they picking up when they see me? And, so, I want to be the best version of myself, and I want to constantly be learning and finding out what that best version is, and I want to fail so many times on my quest to figure out the best version of myself because it is a choice, and I’m going to wake up every day and say Today is going to be the best day of my life.’”

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The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media


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